County - Focsani

A city like you've never seen before
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Este un județ presărat cu toate formele de relief, câmpii, dealuri, munți, ape toate au contribuit la formarea unuia dintre cele mai diversificate regiuni. Este o zona seismică complexă de convergență continentală, situată la contactul a 3 unități tectonice: placa Est - Europeană, subplacile Intra - Alpină și Moesică.
Mausoleul Marasesti
Marasesti Mousoleum  - „Heroes glory"
It was built between 1923-1938. The mausoleum was built on the site where in the summer of 1917 the Mărășești WWI fighting took place, resulting in the victory of the Romanian troops.
The mausoleum is located 20km from Foșani, near the European road E85, into the city of Mărășești.
Beciul Domnesc Panciu
Royal cellar, Panciu
The royal cellar from Panciu dates back since the eighteenth century. The cellers from the Deer valley, built in Stephan the Great reign, were used in 1700 by the great chancellor Miron Costin. Dug to 24 m deep were discovered by chance in 1952.  From the main gallery which has a lenght of 500m , more then 36 small galleries are branched summing up over 3 km in lenght.
After 1968 the gallery lenght was extened with another 3000m, which now can accommodate more than 3 millions bottles. In the cellars the aging wines will become sparkling wines similar to well known champagne by the “champenoise” method.
Cascada Putna
Putna waterfall
Very active tectonic processes market by the faults present in the vicinity of Tisaru mountain, to the north and the “Voda saddle “ located in the south, have lead to a break of a slope with a difference of over 12m, that river Putna travels through a series of rapids.
Downstream, aprox. 200m, on the left bank there is an empty old waterfall, the river changed his course due to geotectonic movements, thus the formation the of new waterfall (uniq phenomenon known in Romania).
Manastirea Valea Neagra
„Black Valley” Monastery
It lies on te road linking the city of Focşani with Vidra, Tulnici, Târgu Secuiesc and Braşov. At kilometer 44 after Focşani, respectively Salt Valley, turn left to Năruja, then continue the road that will lead you through Podul Nărujei, Nistoreşti, Româneşti and Herăstrău. After you reach the village called Herăstrău (62 km from Focşani), there are only 3 more km until you reach the monastery complex.
The road that leads to the monastery is very good and the landscapes are magical.
Monument Ecaterina Teodoroiu
Monument dedicated to Catherine Teodoroiu (1894 -1917)
She was a Romanian Lieutenant who died in the battle of Marasesti during the WWI. After taking a buulet to her chest, she died. Her last words were „Soldiers forward, your with me!
The monument is located at Tișița, 15 km from Focșani, on the European road E85.
Lacul Negru
Black lake
In order to reach this area from Herăstrău you must take the forest road until you reach the Năruja stream source. The tourists can reach it with the help of the marked trail by „red tape”. Locatd at 1250 m altitude, it has a surface over one hectar and a maximum depth of 7.5 m.
Flora of this place made the Black Lake unique in the South East of Europe. The name comes from the darkness of the spruce fir surrounding the lake which is reflected in the clear water of lake.
Focul Viu Andreiasu
Earth fires from Andreiașu
Unique in Vrancea Mountains, is an area that would be worthwhile to visit. Thanks to the spectacular phenomenon of natural gas that comes out through the earth crust cracks which ignite spontaneously forming flames of 30-50 cm in height. In order to reach this area situated in the Milcov Vally, you must climb from the center of Lower Andreiașu village, half a kilometer on a sloping road with gravel. Then the white stairs will guide you the the so called sanctuary .
Inside the rectangular surface, with no vegetation and covered with small grains of stone you can see two or three „hearths” of blu-red flames flickering.
Cascada Misina
Mişina waterfall
Mişina waterfall represents a mixed nature reserve which is located in the upper region of the Mişina river. The current lasdscape is a result of the past intense tectonic processes, which resuled in the formation of a waterfall about 12m high.  
Here you can reach after travelling on the DJ  205D Valea Sării –Năruja , continued with DC 78 until Valea Neagră . The forest road between the valley and the stream Bălosu will guide you to the Mişina nature reserve.
Mausoleul Soveja
Soveja hero’s mausoleum
The monument is located in the village Dragosloveni. The monument is dedicated to the heroes who died in fierce battles across the vally of Şuşiţa and stands testimony representing the entire community suffering after the occupation of German troops in 18.12.1916.
Mausoleum houses the remains of 16000 heroes (inside marble paques inscribed with the names of heroes identified). The ossuary holds 2000 bones forming an impressive parallelepiped right in the center of the mausoleum.
Biserica de lemn Sfantul Nicolae
„Saint Nicholas” wooden church
The wooden church was built at the request of community village in the XVIII century. This place of worship was erected on a foundation of river stone built with mortar, adapting to the slope terrain.
The church is located in the middle of the cemetery and the tall white cross is built in the memory of fallen soldiers who died on the battlefield.  
Rezervatia Verdele
„Green forest“ natural reserve
This reserve is located in the upper region of Zabala river at the confluence with the Mişina stream. In the grassy carpet there were identified approximately 200 species of plants with different origins.
A major interest represents the forest floor habitat that is home for a numerous species of flora and fauna, also population os large carnivore as bear, wolf and lynx.
Rezervatia Cheile Tisitei
Gorge Tișiței nature reserve
Turist will be welcomed by a spectacualr scenery, with sharp rocks and smalll rapids and if you are lucky you can see chamois.
Even if the trip on the man made mountain rood doesn’t take more then 5 hours mountain equipment is required. At the end of the trip you will find a man made moutain tunnel. It was made by the German troups in the WW II.
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A presentation site of the city of Focșani through which it is desired to highlight both the architectural riches of the city on Milcov and its historical load..
Created by CIO
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